Some people debate that etiquette is extinct and the rules for good behavior are old-fashioned and out of date. Good behavior and manners will never go out of style. Without etiquette, people would be impatience and disrespectful to one another. This disrespect can lead to insults, dishonesty, cheating, road rage, fist fights, and a rash of other unfortunate incidents.
Etiquette, simply put is politeness, good manners, and kindnesses with which we should always treat each other. It reflects our cultural norms, generally accepted ethical codes, and the rules of various groups we belong to. Without etiquette, we would act more like animals and less like people. At one time etiquette applied only to people with status and to force restrictions on certain groups. Etiquette will always and forever matter! Let’s make American “Etiquette” again. Do you think our current president has practiced good “Etiquette”? leave your comments below.
Many social courtesies has diminish for example a smile signifies politeness, a non-verbal way of being friendly. As a child I remember greeting random strangers on the street and they will respond with the same zest. Not, today people just pass you by without acknowledgment.
Thank you for sharing your experience and thoughts.