
The Importance of Dad Involvement

By April 6, 2024 No Comments

Do Fathers Matter?

I am deeply frustrated with the prevalence of fatherless homes. It’s crucial for fathers who are not present in the household to make a concerted effort to be there for their children. This absence has a significant impact, as I could clearly distinguish between the kids who had involved parents and those who didn’t when I was teaching mathematics. It’s heartbreaking to witness children from dysfunctional households, where some endure pure turmoil at home. With absent fathers and mothers struggling to find love, these kids are caught in a no-win situation, facing various forms of abuse. It’s often left to grandparents or other family members to step up and take over, which is unfair, particularly for grandmothers.

Research on father-child attachment confirms what active, involved fathers have known all along—that the bond between father and child is just as crucial as the mother-child bond. Over 80 percent of studies examining father-child relationships have emphasized the strong connection between a father’s involvement and the well-being of their infants.

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