About Defying The odds

Is about the everyday life of a young girl growing up in the projects. Highland Park “Project” was the first Project built in Arkansas. These small houses were built in 1942 during World War II for defense workers but after the war ended they served low income families.

Nearly, fifteen years later, Little Rock Central High School, the high school I graduated from, was the focal of integration crisis of 1957. Nine black students also known as the Little Rock Nine, were denied entrance even after the United States Supreme Court ruling ending segregation in public schools. Although I wasn’t born during the integration crisis of 1957, I still underwent similar situations.

This book will reveal the many experiences the average person in America may not ever see or experience in a lifetime.  Defying the Odds shows that one can overcome any and all situations and become a success in life.

Imagine not ever knowing your father because he died while you were very young, to young to even know what happened. Imagine a brother being murdered, used as a human shield. Imagine another brother dying in prison.  Imagine losing your mom to a terrible disease.  Yes, we all experience death in our families, but how many of us experience death like this, over and over again?  The answer to this question is simply, not many.

Defying the Odds, reveals the determination of one young girl, who is singled out by a family, who has the resources to show her a life far beyond the projects.  Another, who was a business owner who taught her the value of money and the importance of saving money for the future so that there is never a need that cannot be met.